
Created by asas4real2003 11 years ago
I don’t know where to begin but uncle IRO was not just an uncle to me but my friend and some 1 I looked up to for advice. He was what we called wassup uncle who knew how to enjoy life. I and uncle iro had our moments from quarrelling and chasing me round to beat me and interesting conversations. Uncle iro the reggae master who loved buju banton and shabba. I remember going to play with uncle iro in his room back then and along with his visitors. He always called me saaaratu. i remember waiting up late for uncle iro to buy me and my brothers spring rolls and pizza when he went out at night he bought sometimes and sometimes he dint. Every Saturday morning we all took a drive down to obalande to buy tuwo and miyan tusahe and Ghana food from Ghana high commission. He made my childhood fun .he told me to enjoy life but not overdo it since am a woman. uncle iro who we also called baban dos …..the last time I saw uncle iro he told me to settle down and start my family he wanted to meet whoever I was dating and encouraged me to be a good girl…..words fail me now as there are a lot of memories that I can’t even remember . He was the best uncle ever am so heart broken and shattered his gone I only pray God will comfort all of us at this point…I keep trying to flash and ping but I have accept the fact you have left us in this cruel world and now in a better place. Love u always rest in peace